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Range Rover Sport Hybrid – Winner šŸ’ø 2022

How biased journalists deceive buyers for ā‚¬30,000? Mainstream media and “car enthusiasts” posing as “experts” base their existence on income from biased opinions about the vehicle, a superficial review that doesn’t question the drive quality or sustainability. Manufacturers simply pay off the audience owners who instrumentalize mass access and impose superficiality in purchasing and choosing vehicles. Therefore, vehicle selection has boiled down to how many bling bling lampa there are in the cabin, where guys can rest their dildos and how much a person gets hurt touching the steering wheel’s leather. Since we don’t have sponsors except for hybrid owners, and the review is exclusively based on scraps, it’s up to us to regularly highlight what’s wrong, as apparently, no one else does that. Here in the picture is a pile of faulty and expensive junk; this battery from the Range Rover Hybrid 3.0d L494 from 2015 costs ā‚¬30,000 new at authorized service centers. The vehicle has around 150,000km where the battery, with only 1.7kWh capacity, provided an equivalent range of about 2-3 kilometers. The system has several faults: cell isolation, slave BMS, master BMS, overheating, etc. Many are mistaken, thinking a hybrid can run while the battery is faulty; however, that’s not true since on almost all models, it’s not possible. The “ready state” and driving are somehow conditioned by the battery system being operational. In most cases, these vehicles don’t have an alternator, so the large 400V hybrid battery powers their 12V battery and low-voltage system. It’s a constant encounter with the fact that batteries in hybrids ranging from 2-8kWh are more expensive than purely EVs with large batteries of 60-70kWh. Also, hybrid electric drives are mostly more expensive than electric motors in purely electric EVs. So, buying a hybrid to try electricity is like licking a socket before tasting ice cream; you won’t get the ice cream, but you’ll say it’s bad. The worrisome trend in media is the consecutive buying of influence to shove fossil and hybrid garbage to customers, resulting in a year-on-year decline in drive quality and, moreover, interiors that go unquestioned. EU vehicles are becoming more expensive and worse in quality; ADAC statistics and other surveys attempt to portray that everything else is bad except European vehicles, while the after-sale truth is completely different. Vehicles from the last 4-5 years have so many recurring and expensive faults that an average Balkan person will have to take new loand just to fix all the indicators and check engine lights.

If it weren’t for Mercedes, this Rover would be the worst Hybrid since the creation of a single-celled organism, but that’s why it’s the most low-quality and most expensive that exists. There is nothing worse in the world than a PKW hybrid. The difference between the 3.0 Diesel Hybrid and the NONHybrid is that one has 200g of CO2 and 7.5L of consumption, and the other has 184g of CO2 and 7L of consumption, guess which one is which and which one is “making fuel savings”. Given that hybrids have a freakishly bad designed battery system, winter, low temperatures and lack of use are their killers. At the first announcement of the minus temperatures in the EU, we immediately had 3 calls and 1 from Croatia. As the temperature drops, the internal resistance increases and at higher amperages permanent damage occures to the BMS monitoring system. 4 different vehicles with similar/same problem. The 1.8kWh battery in the service center costs ā‚¬30,500 with a 33% discount, including VAT, and it is not new, but factory refurbished. The used one on the ad is from ā‚¬12,000-17,000, and the reparation at some other workshops is ā‚¬6,000-17,000. The cells are cylindrical Li-Ion NMC 3.7V 6.5Ah dimensions 40×180. Totally non-standard and non-existent on sale and impossible to find, combination for sucking hybrid propaganda. When the battery system fails, the “Fuel saving car” will not go far because the 12V system does not have an alternator, it is charged via the Hybrid battery DCDC buck converter (as with most Hybrids) so that the drive lasts until the voltage of the main acid 12V battery drops. In addition, the air conditioner does not work either, because it does not go through the belt, but is powered by a 300V hybrid battery. So there is no DPFoff BatteryOFF EgrOFF BrainOFF MoneyOFF to eliminate the system, there is only the HomelessON map tampering. Now if some facebook expert calculates for me, how much fuel savings does this hybrid have to make in order to pay off the battery of 30 kilos of “hybrid sucking propaganda” in ā‚¬. And how much does this diesel engine have to produce fuel while driving to justify the 0.5L savings based on the additional cost of the batteries. All batteries went to defect state at 200,000 km and before. We refused 2 owners and 2 gave an appointment, and considering the introduction of Euro, we will not raise the price like some other shops, we do these jobs with a 50% discount, which means ā‚¬15,000.


Kako novinari prevare balkance za 30000ā‚¬? Mainstream mediji i ā€œautomobilistiā€ kakti ā€stručnjaciā€ svoju egzistenciju baziraju na prihodu od potkupljenog miÅ”ljenja o vozilu, povrÅ”nim osvrtom koji ne propitkuje kvalitetu pogona ili održivost, proizvodjaci samo plate posjednicima auditorijuma koji instrumentiziraju pristup masama i nametnu povrÅ”nost u kupnji i odabiru vozila. Tako da je se odabir vozila sveo na to koliko lampica ima po kabini, gdje decki mogu odloziti britvicu za noge i koliko se dečkić ozljedi na dodir kože na volanu. S obzirom da mi nemamo sponzora osim vlasnika hybrida i osvrt je baziran iskljucivo Å”kartom, na nama je da naglaÅ”avamo redovno Å”to nevalja, jer očigledno to niko ne radi. Ovdje je na slici hrpa neispravnog i skupog smeća, ova baterija sa Range Rover Hybrida 3.0d L494 godina 2015 koÅ”ta 30000ā‚¬ nova u ovlatenom servisu, vozilo je na nekih 150000km gdje je baterija sa samo 1.7kwh kapaciteta radila ekvivalent dometa oko 2-3 kilometra. Sustav ima nekoliko kvarova, izolacija celija, slave bms, master bms, overheat itd. Mnogi zive u zabludi misleci da hybrid moze voziti dok je baterija neispravna, medjutim to nije tocno jer na skoro svim modelima to nije moguce, ā€œready stateā€ i voznja su na neki nacin uvjetovani da je baterijski sustav ispravan. Kod velike vecine ta vozila nemaju alternator pa im 12V bateriju i low voltage sustav napaja velika 400V hybrid baterija. Konstatno se srecemo i sa cinjenicom da baterije na hybridima koje su od 2-8kwh su skuplje od čisto EV velike baterije od 60-70kwh. Takodjer i elektro pogoni hybrida se vecinom skuplji od elektromotora čisto električnih EV. Tako da kupovati hybrida da bi probali struju je kao lizanje utičnice prije probe sladoleda, znaci sladoled nećeÅ” ni vidjeti ali pricat ces da ne valja. Zabrinjavajući je trend medija Å”to se uzastopno kupuje utjecaj da se fosilno i hybrid smeće uvali kupcima pa uzastopno iz godine u godinu imate pad kvalitete pogona a bome i interijera koji ne propitkuje niko. EU vozila su sve skuplja i sve loÅ”ija, ADAC statistike i ostale ankete pokusavaju docarati da nevalja sve ostalo osim europskih dok je aftersale istina totalno drugacija. Vozila zadnji 4-5 godina imaju toliko ponavljajucih i skupih kvarova da prosječan balkanac će morati na gastarbajter bauÅ”telu u njemacku kao 90tih da poplaca sve lampice i check engine.

Da nema Mercedesa ovaj Rover bi bio najgori Hybrid joÅ” od nastanka jednostaničnog organizma, ali zato je najnekvalitetniji i najskuplji koji postoji. Ne postoji niÅ”ta gore na svijetu od PKW hybrida. Razlika 3.0 Dizel Hybrida i NEHybrida je sto jedan ima 200g CO2 i 7.5L potrosnju a drugi 184g CO2 i 7L potroÅ”nju, pogodi koji je koji i koji je ā€œÅ”tediÅ”aā€. S obizrom da hybridi imaju nakaradno dizajniran baterijski sustav tako je zima, niske temperature i nekoristienje njihov ubica. Kod prve najave minusa u EU odmah smo imali 3 poziva i 1 iz Zagreba. Padom temperature raste unutarnji otpor i na vecim amperazama nastaje trajna steta vidljiva BMS sustavu za nadzor. 4 razlicita vozila sa slicnim/istom problemom. Baterija od 1.8kWh u servisu koÅ”ta sa rabatom 33% 30500ā‚¬ sa PDV, i nije nova vec tvornički refurbish rabljena. Polovna na oglasu je od 12000-17000ā‚¬ a reparacija kod nekih drugih kolega je 6000-17000ā‚¬. Ćelije su cilindrične Li-Ion NMC 3.7V 6.5Ah dimenzija 40×180. Totalno nestandardne i nepostojeće u prodaji i nemoguće za naći, kombinacija za sisanje motike. Kad otkaže baterijski sustav, neće ā€œmiÅ”koā€ nikud daleko jer 12V sustav nema alternator, puni se preko Hybrid baterije DCDC buck konvertera (kao kod vecine Hybrida) tako da voznja traje dok ne padne napon glavnog kiseliÅ” 12V akumulatora. Osim toga ni klima ne radi, jer ni ona ne ide preko remena vec se napaja sa 300V hybrid baterije. Tako da nema ni nekakav DPFoff BatteryOFF VolanOFF MozakOFF da se sustav eliminira, ima samo BeskućnikON mapa. Sad da mi neki facebook iÅ”ijas ekspert izracuna, koliko uÅ”tede goriva mora ovaj hybrid napraviti da bi otplatio bateriju od 30 somova sisanja motike ā‚¬. Tj koliko ovaj dizel motor mora proizvesti destiliranog dinosaura u vožnji da opravda 0.5L uÅ”tedu na osnovu dodatnog troÅ”ka baterija. Sve baterije su pocrkale na 200000km i prije. 2 vlasnika smo odbili a 2 dali termin a s obzirom na uvodjenje Ojra nećemo poskupiti kao neki, ove poslove radimo sa popustom 50%, znaci 15000ā‚¬ šŸ™‚

Part number : EPLA-14C257-AC, EPLA-14C268-AG, EPLA-14C197-AF, EPLA-14C198-AH, LR154747, LR070873, LR154746, L494
Error: Š 0Š’Š—C-62, P0A1F-49 , P0AF9-00, P0B53-00, P0C47-31, P0C47-39, P0A1F
Price OEM: 30,000ā‚¬
Price EVC*
*hybrid is better than EV: 696969ā‚¬
*hybrid is crap: 5000-15000ā‚¬ (half price)