Interesting, day by day, the invasion of defective hybrids of all EU models. The “never nothing failed” error occurs from 30,000 km to 200,000 km. Also interesting are the excuses of hybrid propagandists that “But I am driving 200kKM while it’s under warranty and I’m selling it” x “and it’s all under warranty, factory defects repaired for free”. According to this logic, only a small minority of owners have the right to buy a “working and reliable” fossil/hybrid vehicle, according to statistics, 8,000 of them are sold new in Crotia per year, while the other 1,500,000.00 owners have to drive that garbage after them and pay enormous maintenance and parts costs, both hybrids and pure Euro6 diesels (DPF EGR SCR INJECTORS ADDBLUE…). And it is even less clear to me why this is subsidized by Governments. This Peugeot 3008 is almost a carcass with boiled midle cells of a freakishly bad designed system, it still drives but makes poor “fuel savings”. Degradation of individual cells is 80% and damage after a three-day measurement of all 42 cells, and 19 of them were for replacement. A new battery is €5,500 for a 1.3 kWh capacity. We also received a report from a follower that the offer we received was wrong and that the battery was not €5,500 but somewhere around €10,000. The system does not have insight into the cell voltage parameters to measure the voltage drop while driving, but the approach to repair is complete disassembly and measurement to determine wear and malfunction. This cost is nonrefundable, we charge in advance. After the analysis, we create the repair cost and cost sheet for the vehicle in question.
Zanimljivo iz dana u dan, invazije defektnih hybrida svih EU modela. Crkotina “nikad ništa” se javlja vec od 30000km pa do 200000km. Zanimljivi su i izgovori propagandista hybrida da “pa sta 200kKM vozim dok je u garanciji i prodam” x “i sve je to u garanciji nek crkaje kolko hoće”. Po toj logici pravo na kupovinu “ispravnog” fosilnog/hybrid vozila ima samo mala manjina vlasnika, po statistikama njih 8000 novih u HR godisnje dok ostalih 1,500,000.00 vlasnika mora voziti to smeće posle njih i plaćati enormne troškove održavanja i dijelova, kako hybridi tako i čisti Euro6 dizeli (DPF EGR SCR INJEKTORI ADDBLUE…). A još mi je manje jasno zašto se ovo subvencionira. Ovaj Peugeot 3008 je skoro pa crkotina sa dagradacijom skuhanih ćelija nakaradno dizajniranog sustava, vozi jos ali slabo “štedi”. Degradacija pojedinih ćelija je 80% i šteta nakon trodnevnog mjerenja sve 42 ćelije ja na njih 8, koje su za izmjenu. Nova baterija je 5500€ za 1.3 kWh kapaciteta. Dobili smo i dojavu pratitelja da je ponuda koju smo dobili pogresna i da je baterija ne 5500€ vec negdje oko 10000€. Sustav nema uvid u parametre voltaži ćelija da se mjeri pad napona u voznji, već pristup reparaciji je komplet rasklapanje i mjerenje da bi se uopce utvrdio trosak i neispravnost. Taj trošak je nonRefundable, naplaćujemo unaprijed. Nakon analize trošak reparacije i troškovnik formiramo za predmetno vozilo.
Error: P1B0C, P1AD9, P1A79, P0A0F, P1AE3
Part number: 9802300880-A, 0609DQ628
OEM Service: 5500€! 10000€!
EVC: Benchmark 400€ (flatrate)
EVC: +repair +cell 400€-2000€
You can order cells for DIY repair in lower link: