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Electric EQC programmed defect

AVOID this EV – we received second inquiry to repair EQC in 3 weeks. Another customer is stuck with 35000€ programmed defect and nobody is able to help?! If there anyone who want to invest, buy me EQC and i will randomly trigger moneystealing error then we investigate how this BMSGate is devastating automaker strategy.

Error: P1D2800 (Programmed counter reached 0 value)

OEM Repair: 35000€

EVC repair – no solution

EQ series – Programmed defect which will cost you 40000€ outside warranty. We researched MB for last 15 years and first programmed defects and error counters were implemented in SBC pump, later in ELV EIS 7G VGS4 and lately in almost all components. First battery on hybrids and Smart ED were new victims of same policy, but we were hopping they changed it and removed it from new EQC and other EQ models, but we were wrong. We heard about few cases with some nonremovable BMS error flags but never direct contact with “victim”, this is first case and confirmation of our nightmare. EQC has programmed error counter, if it triggers error, you would probably need to change completely healthy battery (like Smart451 453, hybrids 212 221 205 222) which costs around 40000€. This way of doing business is not sustainable. We advise to all of our followers, your friends and family to avoid buying new or used EQC, and probably EQS EQA EQB.

Programirani kvar koji će vas koštati 40.000 € izvan jamstva. Istražujemo MB zadnjih 15 godina i prvi programirani defekti i brojači grešaka implementirani su u SBC pumpu, kasnije u ELV EIS 7G VGS4 a u posljednje vrijeme u gotovo sve komponente. Prve baterija na hibridima i Smart ED bili su nove žrtve iste politike, ali nadali smo se da su je promijenili i uklonili iz novih EQC i drugih EQ modela, no prevarili smo se. Čuli smo za nekoliko slučajeva s nekim neuklonjivim FLAG error greskama BMS-a, ali bez izravnog kontakta sa “žrtvom”, ovo je prvi slučaj i potvrda naše noćne more. EQC ima programirani brojač grešaka, ako aktivira grešku, vjerojatno bi trebali promijeniti potpuno zdravu bateriju (kao što je Smart451 453, hibridi 212 221 205 222) koja košta oko 40.000 eura. Ovakav način poslovanja nije održiv. Savjetujemo svim našim pratiteljima, vašim prijateljima i obitelji da izbjegavaju kupnju novog ili rabljenog EQC, a vjerojatno i EQS EQA EQB. A ako imate nekog koga mrzite (punicu) nagovorite je da kupi EQC a mi ćemo u pola cijene popraviti programirani kvar. Pritisak jednog ENTER na tastaturi košta 20000€.


Programmed defect error: P1D2800 – The frequency counter “switching cycles of contactor” of the HV battery module has reached its finale value

Part Number: A2939008900, A2933407400

New battery: around 35200€