Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV – Hybrid is a combined powertrain system of the two most expensive solutions and very often also the worst possible solution (especially if EU produce it). Some people buy hybrids (our sponsors) because of the imposed fear against EVs, they spend 3-5 more times on the charger with PHEV than average EV user (because they charge small batteries slowly), they also spend more time in service workshop because now in addition to the obligations of breakdowns/services/maintenance on ICE engine, you also have an additional sophisticated powertrain with battery and electric motor…. So, in addition to the imposed fear on simple EVs, the victims buy an even bigger problem than the existing purely fossil fuel powered one. This one arrived at 200,000 km with a malfunction of the battery system, which began to fail during heavy rains. The super nice owner explained in detail about the vehicle itself, from the first symptoms to diagnostics at the authorized service center. The water soaked the battery and damaged the quickcharge HV cable, a real trifle, in addition to the ICE engine which costs €8,000, the 13kWh battery with the HV cable costs a measly €11,000 (€750 per kWh) and the entire battery on the Tesla M3 SR+ of 55kwh costs including VAT €11,300 for a range of 400 km. The authorized service asked to replace the entire battery. The PHEV charges very slowly on Chademo, and it takes 2 hours to charge the entire battery which they will drive for 30 km on pure electric. That’s 14,000 hours or 583 days of charging for 210,000 km to drive only on electricity, so in 8 years it was charged for 1.5 years. While a pure EV could cover 6 million kilometers in 14,000 hours of charging. We successfully saved the battery, repaired the HV cable and delivered the sponsor. This car is almost passable by some EVC standards, but pure electricity is a much bigger winner. And we send hugs to our fan from Rimac who recommended us to customer and sent the unhappy owner. Thank you
Errors: P0AA7, P0AA6, P1AA4, P1A46
Catalog: 9482A308, 9499D704
Authorized price: €11,000
Repair price EVC*:
*electricity is better – 1200€
*hybrid is – €6,000 better
*diesel is even better, €100,000
*I would watch how you repair ti – €150,200
*forum says just to resolder – €350,100
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV – Hybrid je sustav od dva najskuplja riješenja, vrlo često i najgora (pogotovo ako ga svabi radi). Neki kupe hybrida (naši sponzori) zbog nametnutog straha na EV (ako izcuri struja), osim sto provedu 3-5 vise vremena na punjacu nego da su na cistoj struji (jer sporo puni male baterije) takodjer vise provedu i na dizalici, jer sad pored jedne obveze kvarovi/servisi/odrzavanja imate i dodatnu sofisticirani pogon, bateriju i el motor…. Znaci pored nametnutog straha na jednostavni EV, žrtve kupe još veći problem od postojećeg čisto fosilnog (pogon na destilirane dinosaure). Ovaj je na 200000km došao sa kvarom baterijskog sustava koji je u vrijeme obilnih kiša počeo otkazivati. Super simpa vlasnica je detaljno objasnila od prvih simptoma do dijagnostike u ovlastenom servisu o samom vozilu. Voda je jako natopila bateriju i oštetila quickcharge HV kabel, prava sitnica, pored ICE motora koji kosta 8000€, baterija od 13kWh sa HV kabelom košta sirotih 11000€ (750€ po kWh) a cijela baterij na Tesli M3 SR+ od 55kwh kosta sa PDV 11300€ za domet od 400km. Ovlašteni servis je tražio izmjenu cijele baterije. PHEV se na Chademo puni vrlo sporo, i da napunis cijelu bateriju koju ces voziti 30km traje 2 sata. To je 14000 sati ili 583 dana punjenja na 210000km da bi vozili samo na struju, znaci u 8 godina ovaj je se punio 1.5 godinu. Dok bi čisti EV za 14000 sati punjenja mogao preći 6 milijona kilometara. Bateriju smo uspjesno spasili, HV kabel reparirali i sponzora isporičili. Ovaj auto je po nekim mjerilima skoro prolazan ali cista struja je daleko veci pobjednik. A našem fanu iz Rimca koji je preporučio i poslao stranku šaljemo puse. Hvala
Greške: P0AA7 , P0AA6, P1AA4, P1A46
Kataloski: 9482A308, 9499D704
Cijena Ovlasteni : 11000€
Cijena popravke EVC*:
*struja je bolja 1200€
*hybrid je bolji 6000€
*dizel je jos bolji 100000€
*ja bi gledao kako radite 150200€
*kazu na forumu da treba zalemit 350100€