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Nissan Leaf – Source of all EV stereotypes and factory defect dangerous battery!

Nissan’s careless approach to isolation issues and potential short circuits in their batteries is an engineering disaster waiting to happen, posing an extreme danger to vehicle safety and passengers. DONT BUY THIS CRAP

Nissan Leaf 2gen – What can I say except that Nissan, in its efforts to do something under the leadership of Carlos Ghosn, successfully ruined both the first and second generation of the electric pioneer Nissan Leaf. The first time I forgive that they made a scrap battery without active cooling and heating of the cells, but the second time I don’t forgive that the battery is in the service for same reason at 130000km. It was not technology that does not exist, cooling plates and other successful methods of active thermal management. They have already routed the antifreeze pipes to cool the OBC, which means they could also go into the battery. The story also becomes controversial with the authorized service because in an effort to use the owner’s lack of knowledge of the vehicle on a 130tkm vehicle whose battery is still under warranty to force him to change the Onboard charger, which was not the cause at all. The problem is that the OBC on the Nissan Leaf is the most expensive in the world and costs around €7,000-8,000. First, they would charge for the component that is not covered by the warranty, after that, because there is no refund, they would have to search further… but the man would have to spend €8,000 on diagnostics!!! there are cases when you have to change the parts with “artillery halfing” in order to trace the defect, but this is not dificult breakdown of the insulation on the EV. It’s like an oil leak from a Mercedes, you see a spot and look for where it’s leaking from. There is a tool and a method for quite simply searching for ISO defects. After 20 minutes of measurement, it was quite clear to us that the OBC and the rest of the system do not have a problem, but that the problem is with the battery itself. We expected moisture or water inside, but it wasn’t either. The problem literally pierced the eyes, the overheated cells in the rear part of the battery case, which stand vertically, inflated and tore the steel cage, inflated and twisted the individual block case (of which there are 24) so that on 2 blocks the sharp protective sheets themselves pierced through the protective film of the cell and they started to corrode. Not in one but in 2 places, which could also cause a short circuit of two different series and eventually a fire. The lack of active cooling and heating of the battery is a failure of epic proportions on a vehicle that has DC charging, and to do it in two generations of vehicles. Any battery without it is designed to be disposable, non-repairable and certainly a reason to be a reason NOT buying such a vehicle. Nissan is the biggest culprit of eMobility stereotypes such as “the battery is expensive”, “it must be completely replaced”, “it cannot be repaired”. Nissan has done damage to the EV automotive community for the next 50 years with their scrap battery system, their system is the basis of all the stereotypes that have been created in the last 10-12 years, because they are truly correct. Only their battery is impossible to repair, only their battery falls apart at 100tkm, only their battery is the most expensive in the world, only their battery is more expensive than the entire vehicle. Etc, etc, etc. On this vehicle, according to a brief analysis, there was a sudden boiling of the cells because the owner probably charged the Chademo DC fast charger while the battery was cold or even at minus temperatures. The inflating cells damaged the cage and protection until it broke through the insulation. We bent metal sheets and the car is now driving, but the battery is permanently damaged and cannot be repaired, it needs a new one… and it needs to run again at 100,000 km because it was designed that way. We do not recommend the Nissan Leaf for any commercial use as there is no way to amortize the cost of battery failure. Recommendation //do not buy// . For short distances, 1 distance per day or if you drive more with stops, so that it’s not cold or hot, maybe it can last a few more km. Leaf also has the most expensive components in the world. Also in the picture with the cell voltage graph, that’s the battery death curve. The test is done so that at a location where there is a constant uphill, you set the throttle to 80% and keep the load constant for 30-40 seconds (MEASURING IS WRONG IN STANDSTILL). Even under load, you can see the voltage drop, the higher the voltage drop, the worse certain cells are. You put LeafSpy on the screen record and whatch. If you have a “wave” curve, the battery needs to be changed.

NISSAN LEAF – DANGEROUS FACTORY BATTERY SYSTEM ERROR Report: Analysis of Battery Issues in Nissan Leaf Vehicles – RECALL SYSTEM

  1. Introduction: Electric vehicles (EVs) are positioned as symbols of technological progress and sustainable mobility. Considering its pioneering role, the Nissan Leaf should be an example of safety and reliability. However, battery technical issues raise questions about the integrity of this model.
  2. Fundamentals of Electric Mobility – Battery Systems and Nissan’s Failure

a) Introduction to electric vehicle battery systems and Nissan’s failure: Electric vehicles (EVs) represent the future of sustainable mobility. The central part of every EV is its battery system. However, while most manufacturers have recognized the criticality of this component, Nissan, unfortunately, neglected some key aspects, questioning the safety and reliability of their vehicles.

b) Chemical components and battery operation – where did Nissan fall short? Every battery utilizes chemical reactions to generate electric energy. But the quality of these cells and the chemical processes within them are crucial. While other manufacturers have used high-quality materials and processes, it raises questions as to whether Nissan used subpar components or manufacturing processes that led to a series of issues with their battery systems.

c) Thermal management – Nissan’s significant oversight: Batteries generate heat during operation, and managing this heat is crucial for safety and efficiency. Many manufacturers have implemented sophisticated thermal management systems. Nissan, on the other hand, seems to have not given priority to this critical component, resulting in issues like overheating and battery swelling.

d) Battery system design and integration – Nissan’s incomplete approach: While most EV manufacturers carefully integrate battery systems to optimize performance and safety, Nissan’s problems indicate potential compromises in this critical design aspect. Their battery issues could be a result of poor integration decisions or even the use of cheaper materials and components.

e) Future battery technologies – will Nissan keep up or lag behind? Considering ongoing innovations in battery technologies, manufacturers are expected to continue improving. However, with the current problems in Nissan Leaf batteries, the question arises as to whether Nissan is ready to keep up with the competition or will continue making compromises at the expense of the safety and reliability of their vehicles.

  1. Isolation Breakdown – Nissan’s Inexcusable Failure and Silent Threat to Consumers

a) Isolation – the lifeblood of every battery: Any competent company involved in electric mobility understands that isolation is vital for the proper functioning and safety of battery systems. Isolation prevents unwanted current flow and potential short circuits. Nissan’s failure to grasp this basic fact is not only unacceptable but also negligent.

b) How did Nissan allow isolation breakdown? While many manufacturers invest significant resources in ensuring the reliability of battery isolation, it seems that Nissan skipped this crucial phase or, at the very least, took it lightly. Was this an attempt to cut costs or simply poor engineering judgment? The consequences are clear and devastating for vehicle owners and beyond.

c) Consequences of isolation breakdown and Nissan’s negligence: When isolation breaks down, short circuits become likely, which can lead to fires, damage to other components, and potential hazards for drivers and passengers. For Nissan, consciously or unconsciously allowing such problems in their vehicles is not just a design failure but complete disregard for the safety of their users.

d) Ignoring the problem and the absence of corporate responsibility: Based on numerous owner reports, it seems that Nissan often ignores or downplays this problem, leaving owners to deal with the consequences. This behavior not only indicates a lack of corporate responsibility but also complete indifference to loyal users and their safety.

e) Trust issue and Nissan’s future position in the market: With a series of battery problems, Nissan not only loses the trust of existing users but also risks its reputation among potential customers. As the electric vehicle market continues to evolve, Nissan may find that its failures and negligence have resulted in the loss of a crucial market position that may be difficult, if not impossible, to regain.

  1. Environmental Impact and Nissan’s Fall from the Sustainability Pedestal

a) Electric vehicles – the expected symbol of sustainability: Electric vehicles have been presented to the public as a symbol of environmental awareness and a step toward reducing harmful emissions. In simple terms, the transition to electric vehicles should be a key contribution to preserving our planet for future generations.

b) Expectations from Nissan as a pioneer: As one of the pioneers in the EV industry, Nissan was expected to set high standards not only in performance and reliability but also in the environmental footprint of its products. The concept of sustainability is not only related to emissions but also to the durability and reliability of components, especially batteries.

c) The unsustainability of defective batteries: The problems with Nissan’s batteries are not just technical issues. Every defective battery that needs replacement represents an environmental burden. Not only is there a question of the disposal of defective batteries, but also the production of new batteries, which includes mining, transportation, manufacturing, and all other factors contributing to the carbon footprint.

d) Loss of trust and the environmental vision: With battery problems, Nissan has lost much more than just the trust of its customers. It is losing its position as a leader in ecological mobility. This reputational loss can have long-term consequences for the company, especially in a world where sustainability and environmental responsibility have become key factors in consumer decision-making.

e) A change in Nissan’s strategy is needed: Nissan must acknowledge and address these problems not only for ethical reasons but also for its long-term viability in the market. The first step is recognizing the problems and then investing in research and development to ensure that such problems do not recur. Only through transparency, innovation, and a genuine commitment to environmental sustainability can Nissan regain the trust of its customers and become a leader in sustainable mobility again.

f) Conclusion – From pioneer to an environmental concern: Nissan, once a pioneer of the electric revolution, is facing a crisis that strikes at the core of its environmental ambitions. To regain trust and its environmental pedigree, Nissan must act swiftly and decisively to address these issues, providing its customers and the planet with the solutions they deserve.

  1. Necessary Action a) Recall of all vehicles and thorough inspection: It is evident that there is a serious and potentially dangerous factory error with the Nissan Leaf battery system. Considering the safety risks, an urgent recall of all affected models is recommended. b) Long-term solutions and manufacturer responsibility: In addition to immediate fixes, Nissan must reconsider its approach to designing and manufacturing battery systems. Investing in research and development of higher-quality battery solutions is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of future models. c) Demand for transparency: In light of these issues, greater transparency from Nissan towards its customers and the public is required. This includes openly acknowledging the problems, providing regular updates on the steps the company is taking to address them, and outlining plans to prevent similar issues in the future.

This report confirms the seriousness of the battery problems in Nissan Leaf vehicles and emphasizes the need for urgent intervention to ensure the safety of users and protect the reputation of the Nissan company.


Nissan Leaf 2gen – Što reći osim da je Nissan u svojim nastojanjima da napravi nešto pod vodstvom Carlosa Ghosn uspjesno upropastila i prvu i drugu generaciju električnog pionira Nissan Leaf. Prvi put oprostim sto su napravili škart bateriju bez aktivnog hladjenja i grijanja ćelija, ali drugi put ne praštam i da je baterija džaba u servisu. Nije to bila tehnologija koja ne postoji, cooling plate i ostale uspjesne metode active thermal management. Oni su vec proveli cijevi antifriza da hladi OBC znaci mogli su i u bateriju. Priča i sa ovlastenim servisom postaje sporna jer u nastojanju da na vozilu od 130tkm kojemu je baterija jos u garanciji iskoristili su nepoznavanje vozila vlasnika da mu nametnu izmjenu Onboard chargera koji uopce nije bio uzrok. Problem je sto je OBC na Nissan Leaf najskuplji na svijetu i dodje oko 7000-8000€. Prvo bi naplatili komponentu koja nije u garanciji, nakon toga jer nema povrata novca morali traziti dalje… ali covjek bi morao potrositi 8000€ na dijagnostiku!!! postoje slucajevi kad se mora ici izmjenom “topnickog polovljenja” da bi se uslo u trag defektu ali proboj izolacije na EV to nije. To je kao curenje ulje iz mercedesa, vidis fleku i trazis odakle curi. Postoji alat i metoda za sasvim jednostavno trazenje ISO defect. Nama je nakon 20 minuta mjerenja bilo sasvim jasno da OBC i ostatak sustava nemaju problem, vec da je problem na samoj bateriji. Očekivali smo vlagu ili vodu u unutrasnjosti ali nije ni to. Problem je doslovno probadao oči, pregrijane ćelije u zadnjem dijelu baterijskog kucista koje stoje vertikalno su se napuhnule i rastrgale celicni kavez, napuhale i pomotale pojedinacna kucista blokova (kojih ima 24) da su na 2 bloka sami oštri zastitni limovi prdrli kroz zastitnu foliju ćelije i pocele nagrizati. Ne na jednom vec 2 mjesta, sto je ujedno moglo izazvati i kratak spoj dvije razlicite serije i na kraju požar. Nedostatak aktivnog hladjenja i grijanja baterije je promasaj epskih proporcija na vozilu koje ima DC punjenje i to napraviti u dvije generacije vozila. Svaka baterija bez toga je osmisljena da bude za jednokratnu upotrebu, nepopravljiva i svakako razlog da bude razlog
NEkupnje takvog vozila. Nissan je najveci krivac eMobility stereotipa kako je “baterija skupa”, “mora se kompletna mjenjati”, “ne moze se popraviti”. Nissan je škart baterijskim sustavom napravio stetu EV automotive zajednici narednih 50 godina, njihov sustav je temelj svih stereotipa koji su nastali u zadnjih 10-12 godina, jer uistinu su i točni. Jedino njihovi bateriju je nemoguce popraviti, jedino njihova baterija se raspane na 100tkm, jedino njihova baterija je najskuplja na svijetu, jedino njihova baterija je skuplja od cijelog vozila. Itd itd itd. Na ovom vozilu po kratkoj analizi doslo je do naglog kuhanja celija jer je vjerovatno vlasnik punio na Chademo DC brzi punjac dok je baterija bila hladna ili cak na minus tempersturi. Puhanje motalo kavez i zastitu dok nije probilo izolaciju. Limiće smo vratili i auto sad vozi ali baterija je trajno ostecena i nema popravke, mora nova… i mora opet crknuti na 100000km jer je tako dizajnirana. Nissan Leaf ne preporucamo ni za kakvu komercijalnu upotrebu jer ne postoji nacin da amortizirate trosak kvara baterije. Preporuka //ne kupovati// . Na kratke relacije, 1 relacija dnevno uz pauze ako je vise, da se ne puni hladna a ni vruca, mozda izdrzi koji km vise. Takodjer Leaf ima i najskuplje komponente na svijetu. Takodjer na slici sa grafom napona celija, to je krivulja smrti baterije. Test se radi tako da na lokaciji gdje je konstantna uzbrdica, podesis gas na 80% i drzis konstantno opterecenje 30-40 sekundi. I pod opterecenjem citas pad napona, sto je pad napona veći to su odredjene celije u gorem stanju. LeafSpy stavis na screen record i pratis. Ako imas sisatu krivulju, baterija je za izmjenu.


Elaborat: Analiza Baterijskih Problema na Nissan Leafa vozilima – SUSTAV ZA OPOZIV

1. Uvod:

Električna vozila (EV) postavljena su kao simbol tehnološkog napretka i održive mobilnosti. S obzirom na svoju pionirsku ulogu, Nissan Leaf trebao bi biti primjer sigurnosti i pouzdanosti. No, tehnički problemi s baterijom postavljaju pitanja o integritetu ovog modela.

2. Temelji Električne Mobilnosti – Baterijski Sustavi i Nissanova Pogreška

a) Uvod u baterijske sustave električnih vozila i Nissanov neuspjeh:

Električna vozila (EV) označavaju budućnost održive mobilnosti. Središnji dio svakog EV-a je njegov baterijski sustav. No, dok je većina proizvođača shvatila kritičnost ovog elementa, Nissan je nažalost zanemario neke ključne aspekte, dovodeći u pitanje sigurnost i pouzdanost njihovih vozila.

b) Kemijske komponente i rad baterija – gdje je Nissan zakazao?

Svaka baterija koristi kemijske reakcije da bi generirala električnu energiju. Ali kvaliteta tih ćelija i kemijski procesi unutar njih kritični su. Dok su drugi proizvođači koristili vrhunske materijale i procese, postavlja se pitanje je li Nissan koristio subpar komponente ili proizvodne procese koji su doveli do niza problema s njihovim baterijskim sustavima.

c) Termalna upravljanja – Nissanov veliki previd:

Baterije proizvode toplinu tijekom rada, a upravljanje ovom toplinom ključno je za sigurnost i učinkovitost. Mnogi proizvođači implementirali su sofisticirane sustave za termalno upravljanje. Nissan, s druge strane, izgleda da nije dao prioritet ovoj kritičnoj komponenti, rezultirajući problemima poput pregrijavanja i napuhivanja baterija.

d) Konstrukcija i integracija baterijskih sustava – Nissanov nepotpun pristup:

Dok je većina proizvođača EV-a pažljivo integrirala baterijske sustave kako bi optimizirala performanse i sigurnost, Nissanovi problemi ukazuju na moguće kompromise u ovom ključnom aspektu dizajna. Njihovi baterijski problemi mogli bi biti rezultat loših odluka u integraciji ili čak korištenju jeftinijih materijala i komponenata.

e) Budućnost baterijskih tehnologija – hoće li Nissan pratiti ili ostati zaostao?

S obzirom na stalne inovacije u baterijskim tehnologijama, očekuje se da će proizvođači nastaviti s poboljšanjima. No, s obzirom na trenutne probleme s baterijama Nissan Leafa, postavlja se pitanje je li Nissan spreman pratiti konkurenciju ili će nastaviti donositi kompromise na štetu sigurnosti i pouzdanosti svojih vozila.

3. Proboj Izolacije – Nissanov Neoprostivi Promašaj i Tiha Prijetnja Potrošačima

a) Izolacija – Krvotok Svake Baterije:

Svaka kompetentna tvrtka koja se bavi električnom mobilnošću razumije da je izolacija vitalna za ispravno funkcioniranje i sigurnost baterijskih sustava. Izolacija sprječava neželjeni protok struje i moguće kratke spojeve. Da Nissan nije shvatio ovu osnovnu činjenicu je ne samo neprihvatljivo, već i nemarno.

b) Kako je Nissan dopustio proboj izolacije?

Iako mnogi proizvođači ulažu ogromne resurse u osiguranje pouzdanosti izolacije baterija, čini se da je Nissan preskočio tu ključnu fazu, ili je barem olako shvatio. Je li ovo bila pokušaj uštede na troškovima ili jednostavno loše inženjersko prosuđivanje, posljedice su jasne i razorne za vlasnike vozila i šire.

c) Posljedice proboja izolacije i Nissanova nemarnost:

Kada izolacija popusti, kratki spojevi postaju vjerojatni, što može dovesti do požara, oštećenja drugih komponenata i potencijalnih opasnosti za vozače i putnike. Da Nissan, svjesno ili nesvjesno, dopusti ovakve probleme u svojim vozilima nije samo promašaj u dizajnu, već potpuna nemarnost prema sigurnosti svojih korisnika.

d) Ignoriranje problema i odsutnost korporativne odgovornosti:

Na temelju brojnih izvješća vlasnika, čini se da Nissan često zanemaruje ili umanjuje ovaj problem, ostavljajući vlasnike da se bore s posljedicama. Ovo ponašanje ne samo da ukazuje na manjak korporativne odgovornosti, već i na potpunu nebrigu za vjerne korisnike i njihovu sigurnost.

e) Pitanje povjerenja i budućnost Nissanovog mjesta na tržištu:

Uz niz problema s baterijama, Nissan ne samo da gubi povjerenje postojećih korisnika, već riskira i svoj ugled među potencijalnim kupcima. Kako se tržište električnih vozila nastavlja razvijati, Nissan će možda otkriti da su njihovi propusti i nemarnost rezultirali gubitkom ključne tržišne pozicije koju će biti teško, ako ne i nemoguće, vratiti

5. Ekološki Utjecaj i Nissanov Pad s Pedestala Održivosti

a) Električna vozila – Očekivani simbol održivosti:

Električna vozila predstavljena su javnosti kao simbol ekološke svijesti i korak prema smanjenju emisije štetnih plinova. Pojednostavljeno rečeno, prijelaz na EV-ove (električna vozila) trebao bi biti ključni doprinos očuvanju naše planete za buduće generacije.

b) Očekivanja od Nissan kao pionira:

Kao jedan od pionira u EV industriji, očekivalo se da će Nissan postaviti visoke standarde ne samo u performansama i pouzdanosti, već i u ekološkom otisku svojih proizvoda. Koncept održivosti nije samo vezan uz emisije, već i uz trajnost i pouzdanost komponenata, posebno baterija.

c) Neodrživost defektnih baterija:

Problemi s Nissanovim baterijama nisu samo tehnički problem. Svaka neispravna baterija koja mora biti zamijenjena predstavlja ekološki teret. Ne samo da postoji pitanje zbrinjavanja neispravnih baterija, već i pitanje proizvodnje novih baterija, što uključuje rudarstvo, transport, proizvodnju i sve druge faktore koji doprinose karbonskom otisku.

d) Gubitak povjerenja i ekološke vizije:

S problemima baterije, Nissan je izgubio mnogo više od povjerenja kupaca. Gubi svoju poziciju kao predvodnik u ekološkoj mobilnosti. Ovaj reputacijski gubitak može imati dugoročne posljedice za tvrtku, osobito u svijetu gdje su održivost i ekološka odgovornost postali ključni faktori prilikom odlučivanja potrošača o kupnji.

e) Potrebna promjena u Nissanovoj strategiji:

Nissan mora priznati i riješiti ove probleme ne samo iz etičkih razloga, već i zbog svoje dugoročne održivosti na tržištu. Prvi korak je prepoznavanje problema, a zatim i ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj kako bi se osiguralo da se ovakvi problemi ne ponavljaju. Samo kroz transparentnost, inovaciju i stvarnu posvećenost ekološkoj održivosti Nissan može ponovno stvoriti povjerenje kod svojih kupaca i ponovno postati lider u održivoj mobilnosti.

f) Zaključak – Od pionira do ekološkog problematičara:

Nissan, nekoć pionir električne revolucije, suočava se s krizom koja pogađa srž njegovih ekoloških ambicija. Da bi ponovno stekao povjerenje i svoj ekološki pedigre, Nissan mora djelovati brzo i odlučno kako bi riješio ove probleme, pružajući svojim korisnicima i planeti rješenje koje zaslužuju.

6. Potrebna Akcija

a) Opoziv svih vozila i temeljito ispitivanje: Očito je da postoji ozbiljna i potencijalno opasna tvornička greška sa sustavom baterija Nissan Leaf. Uzimajući u obzir sigurnosne rizike, preporučuje se hitan opoziv svih pogođenih modela.

b) Dugoročna rješenja i odgovornost proizvođača: Osim trenutnih ispravaka, Nissan mora preispitati svoj pristup dizajniranju i proizvodnji baterijskih sustava. Investiranje u istraživanje i razvoj kvalitetnijih baterijskih rješenja neophodno je kako bi se osigurala sigurnost i pouzdanost budućih modela.

c) Zahtjev za transparentnost: U svjetlu ovih problema, potrebna je veća transparentnost od strane tvrtke Nissan prema korisnicima i javnosti. To uključuje otvoreno priznavanje problema, redovite ažuriranja o koracima koje tvrtka poduzima da ih riješi, kao i planove za sprječavanje sličnih problema u budućnosti.

Ovim elaboratom se potvrđuje ozbiljnost problema s baterijama u Nissan Leaf vozilima i naglašava potreba za hitnom intervencijom kako bi se osigurala sigurnost korisnika i očuvala reputacija tvrtke Nissan.

OEM Price : 44000€
EVC: 400€
Part number: 295B05SH6E, 295B05SH0A, 295B95SH0A, 293405SH2C
Errors: P31E7-00, P0AA6-1A HV battery voltage system isolation

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