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VAG DSG DQ200 – Shifting till bankruptcy

The gearbox that is praised so much in European mithology but behind the curtain is essentially a financial anchor for owners, because at the price of the authorized service, it is almost more expensive than the EV battery, not counting the entire drive motor + gearbox, and if you were to calculate the full price of ENGINE + GEARBOX, it would be over 14,000e. Out of some 500-600 pieces that we repaired, we observed one definite pattern of recurring defects, popularly known as “never nothing fails”. It’s “never nothing” when your non-solderable aluminum wire breaks inside TCU, which was designed to break and costs you 2300 euros, which the owner has no money to pay. Because “electric power” does not go 24,000 km with one reservoir. In addition to broken wires, lines, broken processor TC1796 (label can be seen under a microscope), melting of the power bus voltage supply lines, defect of the three-phase oil pump, output to the valves, valves, hydraulic block, position sensor, fork in the gearbox, gears, clutch also according to mythology homos balkanikus it never breaks down, just because it never breaks down we never laser welded those wires every day, I swear.. never. The error is on all DQ200 series and everything ends very quickly in “never nothing failed” state, some won’t start at 50000km and some won’t start at 150000km. It depends on how much you praise it and how many times a day you change the oil according to ancient mythology. About 10 million vehicles were sold, this news did not end up in the media because the steering wheel did not come off on only one example.


Mjenjač koji toliko nahvaljen iza zastora je u biti financijsko sidro, jer je po cijeni ovlaštenog servisa skoro skuplji od baterije EV ne računajuci cijeli pogon motor+mjenjač a kad bi racunali punu cijenu MOTOR + MJENJAC bila bi preko 14000e. Od nekih 500-600 komada koje smo reparirali upratili smo jedan definitivan uzorak ponavljajucih defekata, u narodu poznati kao “nikad ništa”. To nikad ništa je kad ti pukne žičica od aluminija koja se ne lemi, koja je osmisljena da pukne i da vas ona košta 2300 eur, koje vlasnik nema za platiti. Jer “ebeš struju” ne ide na kateter 24000km sa jednim rezervarom. Osim pucanja žica, vodova, pucanja procesora TC1796 (pod mikroskopom se vidi label), topljenja sabirnice napajanja, defekta trofazne uljne pumpe, izlaza na ventile, ventila, hidraulickog bloka, senzora pozicije, vilica u mjenjacu, zubcanika, kuplunga takodjer to se po mitologiji homos balkanikus nikad ne kvari, kak se to nikad ne kvari tako ni mi nikad svaki dan ne varimo laserksi te žice. Greska je na svim serijama DQ200 i sve vrlo brzo završe “nikad ništa”, neke nece na 50000km a neke tek nece na 150000km. Ovisi koliko ga nahvališ i koliko dnevno puta mjenjaš ulje po drevnoj mitologiji. Vozila je zahvećenih oko 10 miliona, ta vijesti nije završila u medijima jer se nije odšarafio volan samo na jednom specimenu. Takodjer valja spomenuti da je ovo proizvod tvornice dječijih bolesti na Dizel Benzin vozilima, zvana Temic. Takodjer ovaj smo napravili sa dodatnim MAX popustom s obzirom da je u pitanju neki penzioner, budu platili hybridaši razliku.

OEM Price for factory defect: 2350eur (incl Tax)
-“I swear it never fails” 800euro
-“ICE is swallowing all my money” 300euro

P0562 16946 System voltage, voltage too low
P0841 17225 Sensor / pressure switch transmission fluid pressure A, Unlikely signal
P1604 18012 Control module defective
P177F Hydraulic pump system, supply voltage too low
P17BF Hydraulic pump system, overload protection
P1895 18303 Functional limitation due to pressure drop
P189C Functional limitation due to insufficient pressure
U0101 28773 No communication with TCM
P173A Position sensor 1 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal
P173B Position sensor 2 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal
P173C Position sensor 3 for Gear Selector, unlikely signal

Partnumbers affect with serial defect:


Cars affected:

Audi A1 2008-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 Speed
Audi A1 (8X) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2011-2016
Audi A3 (8P, 8V) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2008-2016
Audi Q3 2011 1.4l 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
Audi TT (8J) with 7-speed dual clutch gearbox Model Years 2012-2016
SEAT Altea / XL 2009-2011 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
SEAT Ibiza 2009-2011 1.2l 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
SEAT Leon 2007-2011 1.8l 7 speed
Skoda Fabia 2010- 2011 2013-2015 7 speed
Skoda Modela 2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Skoda Octavia Model Years 2009-2015 7 speed
Skoda Superb Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Skoda Rapid Model Years 2014-2015 7 speed
Skoda Roomster Model Years 2013-2014 7 speed
Skoda Yeti Model Years 2013-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Beetle / convertible Model Years 2011-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Bora 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Volkswagen Caddy Model Years 2010-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Golf / Golf Plus Model Years 2007-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Jetta / Jetta Wagon Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Lavida 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 7 speed
Volkswagen Passat Model Years 2008-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Polo Model Years 2007-2015 7 speed
Volkswagen Sagitar 2009-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Scirocco 2008-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Sharan 2010-2011 1.4l 7 speed
Volkswagen Tiguan 2011 1.8l 7 speed
Volkswagen Touran 2010-2011 1.4l 1.6l 1.8l 7 speed
And other models with a DSG 7 speed gearbox

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Electric EQV – Grand theft defect

If you are interested in to the “how and why EU Car industry failed”, read on. Sometimes thieves had masks, sometimes without a mask they had the middle name “politician”, and today the robbery is organized by the EU car industry with programmed faults and invented defects (dpf, egr, scr, addblue) and the owner of the same becomes an donkey when the “subscriptions” start. Every “threstar” diesel – gasoline – electric – hybrid since 2001 has been produced with programmed faults, both mechanical and electronic. Beginning was from old SBC abs pump on W211 which had BRAKE COUNTER if it hits 0 from 200000, SBC goes into defect and completely healty SBC must be changed for 4000 euro. Thus, every subsequent revision and model of the vehicle had an exponential growth of programmed failures, where today you have the steering column electronics SCCM, Dualclutch transmission, ESL steering wheel, N1 N2 sensor 7G/9G transmission when it counts down, etc., etc.. The problem is not that the “herd” likes these costs paying for programmed breakdowns of diesel/gasoline, the problem is that THEY have now added another zero to the invoice of repair offer for electric models. This is 3rd inquirie this week from 3 different owners, that in a very minor contact with another object on the road they lost power and that their battery was deactivated and not a single airbag went off. Now, in addition to painting the bumper, you also have to change the battery because OEM has programmed it so that you change a completely healty battery on which the OTP (one time programming / readonly) error was activated. You feel the sourness when you find out that the error was designed with one purpose and that there was no service access or so-called “backdoor access” via the seedkey key to delete the error via OBD through the developer mode “DTS Monaco” and similar methods. They created an error code for themselves that even they cannot delete with the Developer access tools. So there remains only invasive BDM directly on the processor. This is controversial and ethically incorrect on several levels and quite absurd that such big failures are not pushed to the media to protect the consumer, but they are just waiting for the news when the steering wheel will fall off only 1 Tesla or some other clickbait shitnews. Here it is disputed too that the insurance companies also suffer the damage of epic disputes because battery changes are being “ironed” completely unfounded, which will lead to an exponential increase in basic and casco policies, but media will use those “fake news” to “blave EV industry” and not the EU scrap with programmed defectes. The battery for the EQV is €75,000 including delivery and installation, the warranty is rejected because this error is not included in the warranty after any damage to the vehicle. A colleague in Kiev who worked on the project to enable the vehicle, from HW pinout to software readout and other assistance, we managed to remove the error “P0CA7” which deactivated, disabled and sent for destruction a completely working 100kWh battery. The design of the battery is very similar to the Stellantis platform with eJumpy eVivaro, etc., even the BMS controller used 90% of the same components, so the entire platform was borrowed from the supplier and as hardware is not a OEM product, but the entire software is their signature. We already have the same programmed failure on EQC EQB EQA eSprinter, all hybrid series. It is recommended that they avoid absolutely all series and models of MB powertraings, because soon no one will be able to help you, we are raising the prices of repairs for this EV by 400% for demotivational purposes.


Električni EQV – ako vas zanima kako je i zašto, propala EU automobilska industrija nastavi čitati. Nekad su lopovi imali maske, nekad bez maske su imali srednje ime “političar” a danas te opljačka organizirana automobilska EU industrija sa programiranim kvarovima i izmisljenim defektima (dpf,egr,scr,addblue) a vlasnik istog postaje magarac kad krenu “pretplate”. Svaki auto trokrake dizel benzin struja hybrid jos od 2001 se proizvode sa programirani kvarovima, sto mehanickim sto elektronskim, prvi brojači koliko puta pristisnete kočnicu kad odbroji 200000 pritisaka tad vam se softwerski deaktivira SBC sofisticirana elektronska abs pumpa, morate po novu od 4000€ (iako je i stara jos ispravna). Tako je svaka sledeca revizija i model vozila imala eksponencijalni rast programiranih kvarova gdje danas imate da vam se odjednom izbrise elektronika stupa volana SCCM, Dualclutch mjenjac, ESL volana, N1 N2 senzor 7G mjenjaca kad odbroji itd itd. Problem nije sto krdo voli te troskove i placati programirane kvarova prdilica dizel/benzin, problem je sto su sad svabe dodale jos jednu nulu na ponudu za popravak na elektricnim modelima. Ovo je 3 upit ovaj tjedan 3 razlicita vlasnika, da su u sasvim minornom dodiru sa drugim predmetom na cesti ostali bez pogona i da im se baterija deaktivirala a niti jedan airbag nije ispucao. Sad osim farbanja branika , morate mjenjati i bateriju jer je proizvodjac tako naprogramirao da mjenjate sasvim ispravnu bateriju na kojoj je se aktivirala OTP greška. E sad onaj najkiseliji dio “pa sta ima veze” to se samo resetira original dijagnostikom. Kiseliost osjetiš kad skužiš da je greška osmisljena sa jednom svrhom i da uopce nije ostavljen service access ili takozvani “backdoor access” putem seedkey kljuca da se i kroz developer mode “DTS Monaco” i slicnim metodama izbrise greska putem OBD. Oni su sami sebi napravili kod greske koji ni oni ne mogu sa Developer access alatima izbrisati. Znaci ostaje samo invazivna BDM direktno na procesor. Ovo je sporno i etički neispravno na nekoliko nivoa i poprilicno apsurdno da se ovako veliki propusti ne guraju u medije da se potrosac zastiti, vec se samo cekaju vijesti kad ce na Tesli otpasti volan ili neki drugi clickbait shitnews. Ovdje je sporno sto i kasko osiguranja trpe stetu epskih razmijera jer se “peglaju” izmjene baterija totalno neosnovano, sto ce dovesti do eksponencijalnog porasta osnovnih i kasko polica, pa ce se opet peglati fakenews kako je “elektrifikacija kriva” a ne EU skart sa programiranim kvarovima. Baterija za EQV je 75000€ sa dostavom i ugradnjom, garancija je odbijena jer ta greska nakon bilo kakvog ostecenja vozila ne ulazi u garanciju. Kolega u Kievu koji je radio na projektu da osposobi vozilo, od HW pinout do software readout i ostale asistencije uspjeli smo maknuti grešku “P0CA7” koja je deaktivirala, onesposobila i poslala na unistenje kompletno ispravnu bateriju od 100kWh. Baterija je dizajnom veoma slicna Stellantis platformi sa eJumpya eVivaro itd, cak je BMS kontroler koristio 90% istih komponenti, tako da je cijela platforma posudjena od suppliera i kao hardware nije proizvod trokrake zvijezde, ali je cijeli software u njiihovom potpisu. Isti programirani kvar smo vec nasi na EQC EQB EQA eSprinter , sve serije hybrida. Preporuka je da izbjegavare apsolutno sve serije i modele pogona na MB jer nece vam uskoro niko moci pomoci, cijene reparacija za trokraku zvijezdu dizemo za 400% u demotivacijske svrhe.

Part number: A4473402301, A4479020210, A4479043200, A4479015406
Battery: 100kWh CATL 285Ah
Processor: TC275 Infineon locked
Error: P0CA700 The discharge current of the high-voltage battery…
OEM repair: approx. €75,000
EVC: €10,000
Credits: Askold