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What is OBC – Tesla GEN3 3PH OBC refurbish

What is OBC? There is no simpler device in the world that is impossible to explain to EV users and Plug-sponsor-in Hybrids. OBC stands for ON BOARD CHARGER. Its location is always in the vehicle and it has the task of converting the current from the “pole” into current for the “accumulator”, it converts AC alternating current into DC 400V direct current, because the battery is a DC source. Just as a cell phone is a DC 3.7V source and is charged with an OBC adapter in the socket, so too is an EV charged from any raw power plant via an OBC integrated rectifier. The EV has that adapter built into the vehicle so that it can charge at ANY AC three-phase/single-phase outlet. It is the only sensitive “no servicing at all I swear ” module on EV but mostly on Hybrids. The failure is mostly caused by an external influence such as an unstable sine wave source, interference, large consumers on a remote network, a short circuit of another consumer in the same AC network, overheating of the socket lines, repeated tripping of the fuse, forced shutdown of charging, etc. While the DC city charging station is essentially a station that it has 5-6 OBC rectifiers (that’s why it’s huge) of 15 kilos each and its task is to charge the battery with already rectified DC current from the AC network. Everything should be clear to everyone, because if an EV had all those OBCs for fast charging, it would be 200-400 kilos heavier. From the example in the picture, a GEN3 OBC 17KW from Tesla Model X arrived from Germany, also used on the Model S from 2016 to 2021. One of the most durable, with a damaged rectifier of phases L1 and L3, 4 fuses of 45 euros each and several protective IGBTs and Diodes ( means AC input). And the failure of the OBC caused a short circuit of another consumer on the network of the same facility, a Mercedes Plug-sponsor-in hybrid was connected on which its defective OBC tripped all the fuses and damaged this OBC on the Tesla. Taking out the L1 and L3 PCBs is like giving birth to the truth from politicians. All 15 kilos of matter need to be well preheated, in order to desolder 300 VIAs and Pins, a few hours of work and tricky skilled disassembling with a few hidden wires and sensors. We have 5-6 pieces of OBC ready and 1-2 for parts and to prevent “it worked when I arrived”. On some vehicles, this is an extremely expensive component, I will cite a few examples: VW Idx 1200EUR, Tesla 2500EURO, Model 3/Y 900eur, Ion Zero 7000EUR, Mercedes Smart 5500-8000, Nissan Leaf 7500, BMW Hybrid 1500-3500, Renault Hybrid 4000 -6000 EUR, Renault Zoe 800-1500 EUR, VW Audi Hybrid 4000-5000 EUR.


Sto je OBC? Ne postoji na svijetu jednostavnijeg uredjaja kojeg je nemoguće objasniti korisnicima EV i Plug-sponzor-in Hybridima. OBC je skraćenica za ON BOARD CHARGER. Negova je lokacija uvjek u vozilu i ima zadatak da struju sa “bandere” pretvori u struju za “akumulatora”, znači da pretvori AC naizmjeničnu u DC 400V istosmjernu, jer je baterija DC izvor. Kao što je mobitel DC 3.7V izvor i puni se sa OBC adatperom na uticnici tako se i EV puni sa bilo koje sirove elektrane putem OBC integrirano ispravljača. EV taj adapter ima ugradjen u vozilo da bi mogao puniti na SVAKOJ AC trofaznoj/jednofaznoj utičnici. To je jedan jedini osjetljivi “nikad ništa materemi” modul na svakom EV. Kvar je većinom izazvan vanjskim utjecajem tipa nestabilan sinus izvora, smetnje, veliki potrošači na udaljenoj mreži, kratak spoj drugog potrošača u mreži, pregrijavanje vodova utičnice, ponavljajuce iskakanje osigurača, nasilno gašenje punjenja itd. Dok je DC gradska punionica u biti stanica koja u sebi ima 5-6 OBC ispravljača (zato i jeste ogromna) od po 15 kila i njen je zadatak da bateriju puni već ispravljenom DC strujom iz AC mreže. Svima treba biti jasno sve, jer da bi EV imao sve te OBC za brze punjenje bio bi tezi za 200-400 kila. Iz primjera sa slike stigao je iz Njemačke GEN3 OBC 17KW sa Tesle Model X, koristen i na Model S od 2016 do 2021. Jedan od najizdrzljivijih kojemu je oštećen ispravljač faze L1 i L3, 4 osigurača od po 45eura i nekoliko zastitnih IGBT i Dioda (znaci AC ulaz). A kvar OBC je uzrokovao kratak spoj drugog potrošača na mreži istog objekta, spojen je neki Mercedes Plug-sponzor-in hybrid na kojem je njegov neispravan OBC poizbacivao sve osigurace i ostetio ovaj OBC na Tesli. Vađenje L1 i L3 PCB-a je kao porađanje istine iz političara. Svih 15 kila materije treba dobro predgrijati, da bi odlotao 300 VIA i Pinova, nekoliko sati posla i pipanja da ne potrgaš nekoliko skrivenih žica i senzora. Mi se većinom detaljno pripremimo kao za iskrcavanje na normandiju pa imamo 5-6 komada OBC spremnih i 1-2 za dijelove i da spriječimo “to je radlo kad sam dotro”. Na nekim vozilima ovo je iznimno skupa komponenta, navest cu par primjera: VW 1200EUR, Tesla 2500EURO, Model 3/Y 900eur, Ion Zero 7000 EUR, Mercedes Smart 5500-8000, Nissan Leaf 7500, BMW Hybrid 1500-3500, Renault Hybrid 4000-6000 Eur, Renault Zoe 800-1500eur, VW Audi Hybrid 4000-5000 eur.

Faults :
Part numbers: 1035647-01-B, 1035647-01-E, 1055139-01-B, 1066510-02-A, 106651002A, 106651002, 1066510-02-A, 105253200D, 105253200, 1052532-00-D, 104608800F, 104608800, 1046088-00-F, 103825100E, 103825100, 1038251-00-E
Tesla OEM: 2300EURO
EVC: 600-1500EURO

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Audi Milf Hybrid – Accidental investor

Common defect on all Mild hybrids, badly designed system to convert your “fuel savings” into “astronomical extra cost”. Already written, but it looks like we have to again. This time it’s not the 2000 euro alternator that breaks down every summer due to overheating and poor cooling with glycol at 90 degrees (my dear), now the 48V battery has arrived again. Who got the error “it worked when I arrived, I don’t care solve it”. Colleagues, while waiting for parts, and probably repairing a malfunction on the “dinosaur” engine, the hybrid battery went into a defect, that’s how it was designed. As long as there is no 12V connected, it goes into “CAR SCRAP” selfdischarge mode. Very ingenious method and found on Mercedes too. You don’t need to deal narcotics to make a living, you just create a system where someone thinks they have bought something, but they are actually a subscriber to their own device, stick “Hybrid” or “Clean Diesel” on it and the future is secured. The battery went into deepdischarge at rest and locked itself permanently, where the cells were still at a safe 3.3V. Fully functional Lithium cells condemned to the shredder and recycler, wasting new electricity and resources. Such failures are more and more common from the European “stable” of manufacturers, and more and more often innocent repairmen and services suffer from the additional cost of buying a new battery because the blame is shifted to them and not to the manufacturer of scrap goods. This is a product that is regularly used by the Mainstream media, while what is valid the customer has to research for himself or find out when it is already “bandover”. Only electricity or only gasoline.

Audi MILF Hybrid – Već pisali, ali izgleda moramo opet. Ovaj put nije alternator od 2000eura koji se kvari svako ljeto zbog pregrijavanja i loseg hladenja glikolom na 90 stupnjeva (majko mila), sad je dosao opet 48V akumulator. Kojemu je se desila greška “to je radlo kad sam dotro, ne zanima me”. Kolegama je za vrijeme cekanja dijelova vjerovatno i sanacije kvara na dinosaur pogonu hirbidna baterija otisla u defekt, tako je dizajnirana. Dok nema 12V spojenih odlazi u AUTOOTPAD selfdischarge mode. Vrlo domišljato kamatarenje i na Mercedesu. Ne treba dilati narkotike da prezivnjaljvas, samo osmislis sistem gdje neko misli da je nesto kupio a u biti je pretplatnik na vlastiti uredjaj, nakeljis na njega “Hybrid” ili “Clean Diesel” i buducnost osigurana. Baterija je otisla u mirovanju u deepdischarge i zakljucala se trajno, gdje su celije jos bile na sigurnih 3.3V. Potpuno ispravne Litij ćelije osudjene na drobilicu i reciklazu, trosenje nove struje i resursa. Ovakvi kvarovi su sve češći iz europske “ergele” prozivodjača i sve češće nedužni serviseri i servisi stradaju od dodatnog troška kupnje nove baterije jer se krivica prebacuje na njih a ne na proizvodjača škart robe. Ovo je roba koju redovno Mainstream mediji valjaju dok ono što valja kupac mora sam istraživati ili sazna kad je već “bendover”. Samo struja ili samo benzin.

Error: P0A7D, P0B29
Part number: 4N0915105B
Processor: SPC5644BMLU
OEM Audi: 1800Euro
EVC: 400-1800euro
*hybrid is best: o1o690 Euro

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Golf GTE Hybrid – Greenwashing device

– The perfect tool to sell “black” under “green”, at the price of gold. Perfect propaganda that the “expensive” and “unprofitable” battery is rewritten for the entire EV market in the last 10 years, because it is indeed expensive, but on a hybrid. Unreasonably expensive per kWh and unreasonably poorly designed. A hybrid playing EV and stereotypically doing media damage to the EV industry. The third next to the GTE coming to us, and very likely not the last. We rejected inquiries about this vehicle about 5-6 times. This one arrived with a defect internal insulation, which could be any internal high-voltage component. After testing the system and the junction box part, everything pointed to the battery, which was already changed once under warranty in 2019, and the new one outside the warranty is 11,500 EUR. In order to dismantle the battery, the complete fart pipe must be removed and then the battery. The screws rot on the “fart girl” rot. After opening the battery, there were no traces of water and antifreeze, but we isolated a puncture on one of the cells. After a closer inspection, it appears that the protective sheath of one cell on the fourth block has broken. At first a harmless problem, at the second a very dangerous condition. If, by any chance, the sheath breaks in another place, i.e. on another cell, a short circuit and possible ignition will occur. We safely saved that block for repair, and we installed an already repaired and balanced block in the battery system, which we added balanced to the rest of the battery system. Everything cleaned assembled first tested then everything opened again, glued and finalized. All tests passed and ready for the owner’s new “savings”, and we are eagerly awaiting them. We are also working on when everyone switches to a hybrid with diesel, we open a corner for “sponsors” and a boss for “savings”. Clean gasoline or clean electricity if you want to avoid it. We recommend to fellow “hybrid victims” mechanics to avoid servicing these vehicles, there is a dangerous possibility that you will have a “it worked when I tuned” failure. Even when they come to us, it happened that they installed a used PTC heater, which is also invalid, when we returned the old EV system it no longer works. Because while we removed and returned the old defective one, water and moisture were different on it, so it connected 400V to the chassis and reported a breakdown of the insulation. We figured this out only after 3 hours of exorcism over our own nervous breakdown when we opened the PTC connector. Also, 2-3 car service centers were left without their grandfather after changing the oil or clutch in the DQ400 gearbox, because after that it didn’t work anymore. So a warm recommendation, f**k it off. Video of complete repair:

Golf GTE Hybrid – Savršen alat da se “crno” proda pod “zeleno”, po cijeni zlata. Savršena propaganda da se “skupa” I “neisplativa” baterija prepiše cijeloj EV brašni u zadnjih 10 godina, jer ona zaista i je skupa ali na hybridu,. Neopravdano skupa po cijeni po kWh i neopravdano loše osmišljena. Hybrid koji glumi EV i stereotipno radi medijsku štetu EV industriji. Treći po redu GTE koji nam dolazi a vrlo vjerovatno ne i zadnji. Upita za ovo vozilo smo odbili oko 5-6 puta. Ovaj je stigao sa probojem interne izolacije a to moze biti bilo koja interna High Voltage komponenta. Nakon ispitivanja sustava i junctionbox dijela, sve je upucivalo na bateriju koja je 2019 godine već jednom mijenjana u garanciji a nova izvan garancije je 11500EUR. Baterija je svojim karakteristikama poddizajnirana sustavu i osudjena na brze trosenje. Da bi se baterija demontirala treba kompletanu prdež cijev skinuti pa onda bateriju. Vijci na “fart device” truli. Nakon otvaranja baterije nije bilo tragova vode i antifriza ali smo izolirali proboj na nekoj od celija. Nakon detaljnijeg pregleda izgleda je pukla zastitna ovojnica jedne celije na četvrtom bloku. Na prvu bezazlen problem, na drugu vrlo opasno stanje. Ako kojim slučajem pukne ovojnice na još nekom mjestu, tj na drugoj celiji, dolazi do kratkog spoja i mogućeg zapaljenja. Taj blok smo sigurno spremili za reparaciju a baterijskom sustavu smo ugradili vec repariran i balansiran blok, koji smo dodatno balansirali ostatku baterijskog sustava. Sve očišćeno sklopljeno prvo testirano zatim sve ponovno otvoreno, zaljepljeno i finalizirano. Svi testovi prosli i spremno za nove “uštede” vlasnika a mi ih željno iščekujemo. Takodjer se radujemo kad svi predjete na hybride sa dizela, otvaramo kutak za “sponzore” i sef za “uštede”. Čisti benzin ili čista struja ako hoćete to izbjeći. A baterija na hybridu skoro uvjek nemoze opravdati svoje postojanje u fosilcu. Kolegama “žrtvama hybrida” mehaničarima preporučamo izbjegavanje servisiranja ovih vozila, postoji opasna mogućnost da vam se desi kvar “to je radilo kad sam doterao”. Čak i nama dodju, desilo smo da montirali rabljen (nismo ga mi kupili, od vlasnika) PTC heater koji isto nevalja, kad smo vratili stari PTC, EV sustav vise ne radi. Jer dok smo skinuli i vratili stari defektni, voda i vlaga se razlila po njemu pa je spojila 400V na sasiju i prijavilo proboj izolacije. To smo skuzili tek nakon 3 sata egzorcizma nad vlastitim živčanim slomom, tek kad smo otvorili PTC konektor. Takodjer 2-3 autoservisa su ostala bez djedovine nakon izmjene ulja ili kuplunga u DQ400 mjenjacu jer nakon toga nije vise radio. Tako da topla preporuka, bjaaaaaaažiiiiii, jer budete odgavarali za stetu koju niste krivi jer je sistem skart. A zdnjih godina sve je gore i gore, sve vise tudjih vozila odrzavate o svom trosku.

Fault: P0AA600, P0E7400, P0D9100,

Part Number: 5Q0915590R, 5Q0915591E Battery Panasonic 25Ah, 8kWh, Made in Japan

OEM price: 11000 EUR (VAT included)

EV Clinic fine price*

*Diesel is better – 20,000 euros

*Hybrid is better – 35,000 euros

*Hybrid is crap – 2000-5000 euros

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Tesla Model S 85 – 320000KM DIE HARD

We do not only repair electronic on component level, we do not only research and develop solutions for them. We got very capable team of mechanic engineers to repair even hardest mechanical defects on powertrains. Model S 85 arrived with defect and still original Large Drive unit (BASE). Loud low and high pitch rattling noise was coming from it. We completely dissembled rotor site and gearbox side. First coolant penetrated external rotor shaft ball bearing on rubber shaft seal, it was overheated and damaged. Coolant then enter ball bearing and flushed oil lubricant. Second spot of failure was internal ball bearing on first gear from rotor, probably because of damaged rotor bearing. And third spot was High voltage cable water ingress. Lets say 9 years and 320000km without any servicing made some marks on it, but not unsolvable. This drive unit cant hold more than 250000-300000 without gearbox lubricant change, gearbox cleaning and ball bearing change. Big output power of 280kw should be maintained. First signs for servicing are covered by 3 universal rules: 1-noise 2-vibration 3-oil/coolant/body overheating. If you hear any of that, it is better to prevent it.

Ne repariramo samo software i hardware na “componente level”, ne istražujemo i ne razvijamo samo rješenja za njih vec imamo i vrlo sposoban tim mašinskih inženjera za popravak čak i najtežih mehaničkih kvarova na pogonskim sklopovima elektricnih vozila. Model S 85 stigao je s djelomicnim kvarom i još uvijek originalnim Large DRIVE UNIT. Iz njega je dolazio glasan zvuk zveckanja niskog i visokog tona. U potpunosti smo rastavili stranu rotora i stranu diferencijala. Prvo je rashladno sredstvo prodrlo u vanjski kuglični ležaj (koji se hladi antifrizom) osovine rotora na samom semeringu osovine, pregrijalo se i oštetilo dual lip brtvu. Rashladna tekućina zatim ušla u kuglični ležaj i ispralo mast u ležaju. Drugo mjesto kvara bio je unutarnji kuglični ležaj na prvom zubčaniku prijenosa od rotora, vjerojatno zbog oštećenog vanjskog ležaja rotora. I treće mjesto bio je ulazak vode u visokonaponski kabel (to jos nije bio kvar, ali mogao je biti nekad kroz 50000km). Voznja od 9 godina i 320 000 km bez ikakvog servisiranja ostavilo je neke tragove na njemu ali ne nerijesive. Po ovim procjenama nase analize dva motora, ova pogonska jedinica ne može izdržati više od 250000-300000 bez promjene maziva mjenjača, ispiranja diferencijala i promjene kugličnih ležajeva. Treba održavati veliku izlaznu snagu od 280kw. Prvi znakovi za servisiranje pokriveni su 3 univerzalna pravila: 1-buka 2-vibracije 3-pregrijavanje ulja/antifriza/kućišta.

Fault: Vibration at hard acceleration, squeaking noise on low speed, ratling noise.

Part number: 1007972-00-B, 1056680-00-Q, 1002633-00-T, 1002633-01-P, 1002633-01-T, 1025276-00-Q, 1025598-00-P, 1025598-00-T, 1025276-00-Q, P1002887-01-E, P1062387-00-B, P1057981-00-B, 1058273-03-F,

Possible alerts: DI_W108, DI_W072, DI_F072,

Price Tesla Service center : 4900 € + VAT
EV Clinic : 1000-2800€ + VAT

If you need repair TRAINING, PART LIST or REPAIR KIT, you can order it from us. Feel free to contact us.

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Part 1 – S85 battery refurbish – Water ingress

PART 1 – The king of the asphalt and the icon of eMobility has arrived, the only vehicle without a single programmed failure and, in our opinion, the best drive system in the world. The only EV that goes over thousands of kilometers, on which it is possible to fix absolutely every fault up to 20x cheaper than for any other EV. The only vehicle that does not need any multiplexer and diagnostics, because the vehicle is a laptop with its own integrated diagnostics, i.e. the display system is Linux Ubuntu. Defects like the one that came up, battery failure are also the cheapest to solve of all EVs on the market. Breakdowns start from €200 to €4,500 and occur only at 200,000-30,000 km. I mean that exclusively on the S85 battery pack. The other S75 90 and 100 are almost indestructible even at 500,000 km. This one came with a breakdown of the insulation from the High Voltage system to the chassis. In a microsecond the system activated PERMANENT ISO F123 to protect the rest of the system. After testing the HV distribution box, we found that it is not the external insulation, but the internal insulation in the battery. In such scenarios, it is VERY IMPORTANT to remove the battery IMMEDIATELY, meaning IMMEDIATELY, not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or in a month, because total damage occurs. The owner immediately brought the vehicle to the EV Clinic LAB as recommended. The battery was immediately removed and further damage stopped. This battery pack has 4 damaged modules and we will restore them all, the BMS must be repaired and reprogrammed. This is also one of the worst cases we have had and fast delivery was key. Battery failed on 260000km

Workshop is located in Croatia. We can organize repair in our franchise in Germany, Istanbul, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania or we can send tow truck to pick it up and deliver it to our lab in Zagreb.

PART 1 – Stigao kralj asfalta i ikona eMobility-a, jedino vozilo bez ijednog programiranog kvara i po nama najkvalitetnijim pogonskim sustavom na svijetu. Jedini EV koji prelazi tisuće kilometara na kojem je moguće apsolutno svaki kvar otkloniti i do 20x jeftinije nego za bilo koji drugi EV. Jedino vozilo kojemu ne treba nikakav multiplexer i dijagnostika, jer je vozilo laptop sa svojom integriranom dijagnostikom tj sustav zaslona je Linux Ubuntu. Defekti kao ovaj što je došao, kvar baterije su i najjeftiniji za rijesiti od svih EV na trzistu. Kvarovi pocinju od 200€ do 4500€ i javljaju se tek na 200000-30000km. To mislim iskljucivo na S85 battery pack. Ostali S75 90 i 100 su skoro pa neunistivi i na 500000km. Ovaj je došao sa probojem izolacije sa Highvoltage sustava na šasiju. Sustav u mikrosekundi je aktivirao PERMANENT ISO F123 da zastiti ostatak sustava. Nakon ispitivanja HV razvodne kutije ustanovili smo da nije vanjska izolacija već unutaranja u bateriji. Kod takvih scenarija VRLO JE BITNO da se baterija skida ODMAH, znači ODMAH, ne ni sutra ni prekosutra ni za mjesec dana jer nastupa totalna šteta. Vlasnik je odmah dovezao vozilo po preporuci u EV Clinic LAB. Baterija odmah skinuta i daljnja šteta zaustavljena. Ovaj battery pack ima ostecena 4 modula i sve ih budemo restaurirali, BMS moramo reparirati i reprogramirati. Ovo je ujedno i jedan od najgorih slučajeva koje smo imali i brza dostava je bila ključna. Vozilo je 9 godina staro, baterija je bilo jednom na servisu i ima 260000km sa jos originalnim diskovima i plocicama. S obzirom da ima besplatno punjenje dozivotno ovaj je ustedio bar 35000€ samo na gorivu. Takodjer po nasim procjenama i dosadasnjim iskustvom cak i ova stara S85 se moze preventivno 2-3 komponente zastiti da do kvara uopce ni ne dodje.






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Battery Repair Smart 453 EQ

Troy fell because of horses and EV trust will fall because of this Smart 453 (not 451 which is 10x better). There is nothing worse to work on, repair and pay for defects. Each breakdown is €5,000 starting price up to €15,000. This one came from Belgrade with only 2000 km on the clock. The battery went into programmed BMS failure for unknown reasons. After that, the BMS is permanently locked, it cannot even drive or charge. This failure was unsolvable until we were the first in the world, after 6 months of work, (4 years ago) to crack the OTP programmed failure for the first time, to manually fix it in the eeprom of the SPC564 processor. Programming the BMS controller alone is not enough, as the newly created deep discharge failure was not resolved, recovery charging and balancing needed. The removal of this defect to an authorized service center costs €15,000 and there was no alternative before. This battery normally has 4 serial errors: internal instrument ISO ohmmeter defect, processor defect, programmed failure with amplifier how many times you activate the contact (180000), hardware error boot sector on 12V powerglitch bug, voltage drop due to low SOC discharge…etc etc. Most of the crying happens already at 20,000-30,000 km. It is advisable to recommend the vehicle to the mother-in-law, stepmother, ex-wife and other enemies.

Troja je pala zbog konja a EV povjerenje će zbog ovog Smarta 453 (ne 451 koji je 10x bolji). Nema goreg za raditi, popravljati i plaćati defekte. Svaki kvar je 5000€ start cijena pa sve do 15000€. Ovaj je došao iz Beograda sa samo 2000 km na satu. Baterija je otišla iz nepoznatih razloga u programirani BMS kvar. Nakon toga se BMS trajno zaključa, ne može ni voziti ni puniti. Ovaj kvar je bio ne riješiv dok nismo prvi u svijetu nakon 6mj posla (prije 4 godine) uspjeli provaliti po prvi put OTP programirani kvari, ručno ga otkloniti u eeprome SPC564 procesora. Samo programiranje BMS kontrolera nije dovoljno ukoliko se ne rijesi i novo nastali kvar dubokog praznjenja, zatim punjenja i balansiranja. Otklon ovog defekta u ovlastenom servisu košta 15000€ i nije bilo alternative. Ova baterija inače ima vise od 4 serijeske greške: defekt ISO ohmmeter unutarnjeg instrumenta, defekt procesora, programirani kvar sa projačom koliko puta aktivirate kontakt (180000), hardwerska greška boot sector na 12V powerglitch bug, voltage drop zbog low SOC discharge… itd itd. Većina plakanja se dešava već na 20000-30000km. Vozilo je poželjno preporučiti punici, maćehi, bivšoj i ostalim dušmanima.

Errors: P18051C, P18051B, P0420F1, P030586, P03081, P044196

Partnumbers: a7899014200, 295101339R, A7893404504, A7893407201, A7899028300 , A7893403400 , A7895840238,

OEM Repair: 15000€

EVC Repair: 1200-5000€

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Peugeot 3008 Hybrid4 2013 – Fortune has been told

Interesting, day by day, the invasion of defective hybrids of all EU models. The “never nothing failed” error occurs from 30,000 km to 200,000 km. Also interesting are the excuses of hybrid propagandists that “But I am driving 200kKM while it’s under warranty and I’m selling it” x “and it’s all under warranty, factory defects repaired for free”. According to this logic, only a small minority of owners have the right to buy a “working and reliable” fossil/hybrid vehicle, according to statistics, 8,000 of them are sold new in Crotia per year, while the other 1,500,000.00 owners have to drive that garbage after them and pay enormous maintenance and parts costs, both hybrids and pure Euro6 diesels (DPF EGR SCR INJECTORS ADDBLUE…). And it is even less clear to me why this is subsidized by Governments. This Peugeot 3008 is almost a carcass with boiled midle cells of a freakishly bad designed system, it still drives but makes poor “fuel savings”. Degradation of individual cells is 80% and damage after a three-day measurement of all 42 cells, and 19 of them were for replacement. A new battery is €5,500 for a 1.3 kWh capacity. We also received a report from a follower that the offer we received was wrong and that the battery was not €5,500 but somewhere around €10,000. The system does not have insight into the cell voltage parameters to measure the voltage drop while driving, but the approach to repair is complete disassembly and measurement to determine wear and malfunction. This cost is nonrefundable, we charge in advance. After the analysis, we create the repair cost and cost sheet for the vehicle in question.


Zanimljivo iz dana u dan, invazije defektnih hybrida svih EU modela. Crkotina “nikad ništa” se javlja vec od 30000km pa do 200000km. Zanimljivi su i izgovori propagandista hybrida da “pa sta 200kKM vozim dok je u garanciji i prodam” x “i sve je to u garanciji nek crkaje kolko hoće”. Po toj logici pravo na kupovinu “ispravnog” fosilnog/hybrid vozila ima samo mala manjina vlasnika, po statistikama njih 8000 novih u HR godisnje dok ostalih 1,500,000.00 vlasnika mora voziti to smeće posle njih i plaćati enormne troškove održavanja i dijelova, kako hybridi tako i čisti Euro6 dizeli (DPF EGR SCR INJEKTORI ADDBLUE…). A još mi je manje jasno zašto se ovo subvencionira. Ovaj Peugeot 3008 je skoro pa crkotina sa dagradacijom skuhanih ćelija nakaradno dizajniranog sustava, vozi jos ali slabo “štedi”. Degradacija pojedinih ćelija je 80% i šteta nakon trodnevnog mjerenja sve 42 ćelije ja na njih 8, koje su za izmjenu. Nova baterija je 5500€ za 1.3 kWh kapaciteta. Dobili smo i dojavu pratitelja da je ponuda koju smo dobili pogresna i da je baterija ne 5500€ vec negdje oko 10000€. Sustav nema uvid u parametre voltaži ćelija da se mjeri pad napona u voznji, već pristup reparaciji je komplet rasklapanje i mjerenje da bi se uopce utvrdio trosak i neispravnost. Taj trošak je nonRefundable, naplaćujemo unaprijed. Nakon analize trošak reparacije i troškovnik formiramo za predmetno vozilo.

Error: P1B0C, P1AD9, P1A79, P0A0F, P1AE3

Part number: 9802300880-A, 0609DQ628

OEM Service: 5500€! 10000€!

EVC: Benchmark 400€ (flatrate)

EVC: +repair +cell 400€-2000€

You can order cells for DIY repair in lower link:

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Range Rover Sport Hybrid – Winner 💸 2022

How biased journalists deceive buyers for €30,000? Mainstream media and “car enthusiasts” posing as “experts” base their existence on income from biased opinions about the vehicle, a superficial review that doesn’t question the drive quality or sustainability. Manufacturers simply pay off the audience owners who instrumentalize mass access and impose superficiality in purchasing and choosing vehicles. Therefore, vehicle selection has boiled down to how many bling bling lampa there are in the cabin, where guys can rest their dildos and how much a person gets hurt touching the steering wheel’s leather. Since we don’t have sponsors except for hybrid owners, and the review is exclusively based on scraps, it’s up to us to regularly highlight what’s wrong, as apparently, no one else does that. Here in the picture is a pile of faulty and expensive junk; this battery from the Range Rover Hybrid 3.0d L494 from 2015 costs €30,000 new at authorized service centers. The vehicle has around 150,000km where the battery, with only 1.7kWh capacity, provided an equivalent range of about 2-3 kilometers. The system has several faults: cell isolation, slave BMS, master BMS, overheating, etc. Many are mistaken, thinking a hybrid can run while the battery is faulty; however, that’s not true since on almost all models, it’s not possible. The “ready state” and driving are somehow conditioned by the battery system being operational. In most cases, these vehicles don’t have an alternator, so the large 400V hybrid battery powers their 12V battery and low-voltage system. It’s a constant encounter with the fact that batteries in hybrids ranging from 2-8kWh are more expensive than purely EVs with large batteries of 60-70kWh. Also, hybrid electric drives are mostly more expensive than electric motors in purely electric EVs. So, buying a hybrid to try electricity is like licking a socket before tasting ice cream; you won’t get the ice cream, but you’ll say it’s bad. The worrisome trend in media is the consecutive buying of influence to shove fossil and hybrid garbage to customers, resulting in a year-on-year decline in drive quality and, moreover, interiors that go unquestioned. EU vehicles are becoming more expensive and worse in quality; ADAC statistics and other surveys attempt to portray that everything else is bad except European vehicles, while the after-sale truth is completely different. Vehicles from the last 4-5 years have so many recurring and expensive faults that an average Balkan person will have to take new loand just to fix all the indicators and check engine lights.

If it weren’t for Mercedes, this Rover would be the worst Hybrid since the creation of a single-celled organism, but that’s why it’s the most low-quality and most expensive that exists. There is nothing worse in the world than a PKW hybrid. The difference between the 3.0 Diesel Hybrid and the NONHybrid is that one has 200g of CO2 and 7.5L of consumption, and the other has 184g of CO2 and 7L of consumption, guess which one is which and which one is “making fuel savings”. Given that hybrids have a freakishly bad designed battery system, winter, low temperatures and lack of use are their killers. At the first announcement of the minus temperatures in the EU, we immediately had 3 calls and 1 from Croatia. As the temperature drops, the internal resistance increases and at higher amperages permanent damage occures to the BMS monitoring system. 4 different vehicles with similar/same problem. The 1.8kWh battery in the service center costs €30,500 with a 33% discount, including VAT, and it is not new, but factory refurbished. The used one on the ad is from €12,000-17,000, and the reparation at some other workshops is €6,000-17,000. The cells are cylindrical Li-Ion NMC 3.7V 6.5Ah dimensions 40×180. Totally non-standard and non-existent on sale and impossible to find, combination for sucking hybrid propaganda. When the battery system fails, the “Fuel saving car” will not go far because the 12V system does not have an alternator, it is charged via the Hybrid battery DCDC buck converter (as with most Hybrids) so that the drive lasts until the voltage of the main acid 12V battery drops. In addition, the air conditioner does not work either, because it does not go through the belt, but is powered by a 300V hybrid battery. So there is no DPFoff BatteryOFF EgrOFF BrainOFF MoneyOFF to eliminate the system, there is only the HomelessON map tampering. Now if some facebook expert calculates for me, how much fuel savings does this hybrid have to make in order to pay off the battery of 30 kilos of “hybrid sucking propaganda” in €. And how much does this diesel engine have to produce fuel while driving to justify the 0.5L savings based on the additional cost of the batteries. All batteries went to defect state at 200,000 km and before. We refused 2 owners and 2 gave an appointment, and considering the introduction of Euro, we will not raise the price like some other shops, we do these jobs with a 50% discount, which means €15,000.


Kako novinari prevare balkance za 30000€? Mainstream mediji i “automobilisti” kakti ”stručnjaci” svoju egzistenciju baziraju na prihodu od potkupljenog mišljenja o vozilu, površnim osvrtom koji ne propitkuje kvalitetu pogona ili održivost, proizvodjaci samo plate posjednicima auditorijuma koji instrumentiziraju pristup masama i nametnu površnost u kupnji i odabiru vozila. Tako da je se odabir vozila sveo na to koliko lampica ima po kabini, gdje decki mogu odloziti britvicu za noge i koliko se dečkić ozljedi na dodir kože na volanu. S obzirom da mi nemamo sponzora osim vlasnika hybrida i osvrt je baziran iskljucivo škartom, na nama je da naglašavamo redovno što nevalja, jer očigledno to niko ne radi. Ovdje je na slici hrpa neispravnog i skupog smeća, ova baterija sa Range Rover Hybrida 3.0d L494 godina 2015 košta 30000€ nova u ovlatenom servisu, vozilo je na nekih 150000km gdje je baterija sa samo 1.7kwh kapaciteta radila ekvivalent dometa oko 2-3 kilometra. Sustav ima nekoliko kvarova, izolacija celija, slave bms, master bms, overheat itd. Mnogi zive u zabludi misleci da hybrid moze voziti dok je baterija neispravna, medjutim to nije tocno jer na skoro svim modelima to nije moguce, “ready state” i voznja su na neki nacin uvjetovani da je baterijski sustav ispravan. Kod velike vecine ta vozila nemaju alternator pa im 12V bateriju i low voltage sustav napaja velika 400V hybrid baterija. Konstatno se srecemo i sa cinjenicom da baterije na hybridima koje su od 2-8kwh su skuplje od čisto EV velike baterije od 60-70kwh. Takodjer i elektro pogoni hybrida se vecinom skuplji od elektromotora čisto električnih EV. Tako da kupovati hybrida da bi probali struju je kao lizanje utičnice prije probe sladoleda, znaci sladoled nećeš ni vidjeti ali pricat ces da ne valja. Zabrinjavajući je trend medija što se uzastopno kupuje utjecaj da se fosilno i hybrid smeće uvali kupcima pa uzastopno iz godine u godinu imate pad kvalitete pogona a bome i interijera koji ne propitkuje niko. EU vozila su sve skuplja i sve lošija, ADAC statistike i ostale ankete pokusavaju docarati da nevalja sve ostalo osim europskih dok je aftersale istina totalno drugacija. Vozila zadnji 4-5 godina imaju toliko ponavljajucih i skupih kvarova da prosječan balkanac će morati na gastarbajter bauštelu u njemacku kao 90tih da poplaca sve lampice i check engine.

Da nema Mercedesa ovaj Rover bi bio najgori Hybrid još od nastanka jednostaničnog organizma, ali zato je najnekvalitetniji i najskuplji koji postoji. Ne postoji ništa gore na svijetu od PKW hybrida. Razlika 3.0 Dizel Hybrida i NEHybrida je sto jedan ima 200g CO2 i 7.5L potrosnju a drugi 184g CO2 i 7L potrošnju, pogodi koji je koji i koji je “štediša”. S obizrom da hybridi imaju nakaradno dizajniran baterijski sustav tako je zima, niske temperature i nekoristienje njihov ubica. Kod prve najave minusa u EU odmah smo imali 3 poziva i 1 iz Zagreba. Padom temperature raste unutarnji otpor i na vecim amperazama nastaje trajna steta vidljiva BMS sustavu za nadzor. 4 razlicita vozila sa slicnim/istom problemom. Baterija od 1.8kWh u servisu košta sa rabatom 33% 30500€ sa PDV, i nije nova vec tvornički refurbish rabljena. Polovna na oglasu je od 12000-17000€ a reparacija kod nekih drugih kolega je 6000-17000€. Ćelije su cilindrične Li-Ion NMC 3.7V 6.5Ah dimenzija 40×180. Totalno nestandardne i nepostojeće u prodaji i nemoguće za naći, kombinacija za sisanje motike. Kad otkaže baterijski sustav, neće “miško” nikud daleko jer 12V sustav nema alternator, puni se preko Hybrid baterije DCDC buck konvertera (kao kod vecine Hybrida) tako da voznja traje dok ne padne napon glavnog kiseliš 12V akumulatora. Osim toga ni klima ne radi, jer ni ona ne ide preko remena vec se napaja sa 300V hybrid baterije. Tako da nema ni nekakav DPFoff BatteryOFF VolanOFF MozakOFF da se sustav eliminira, ima samo BeskućnikON mapa. Sad da mi neki facebook išijas ekspert izracuna, koliko uštede goriva mora ovaj hybrid napraviti da bi otplatio bateriju od 30 somova sisanja motike €. Tj koliko ovaj dizel motor mora proizvesti destiliranog dinosaura u vožnji da opravda 0.5L uštedu na osnovu dodatnog troška baterija. Sve baterije su pocrkale na 200000km i prije. 2 vlasnika smo odbili a 2 dali termin a s obzirom na uvodjenje Ojra nećemo poskupiti kao neki, ove poslove radimo sa popustom 50%, znaci 15000€ 🙂

Part number : EPLA-14C257-AC, EPLA-14C268-AG, EPLA-14C197-AF, EPLA-14C198-AH, LR154747, LR070873, LR154746, L494
Error: Р0ВЗC-62, P0A1F-49 , P0AF9-00, P0B53-00, P0C47-31, P0C47-39, P0A1F
Price OEM: 30,000€
Price EVC*
*hybrid is better than EV: 696969€
*hybrid is crap: 5000-15000€ (half price)